5 min reading

The Consequences of Bullying and the Path to Whistleblowing

Cyberbullying Written by: Karl Demers May 2024
Les Conséquences de l’Intimidation et la Voie vers la Dénonciation

Bullying is a scourge that affects all sectors of society, including sport. It has far-reaching repercussions for victims, and raises the issue of reporting and recognizing one’s own bullying behaviour.

The Consequences of Bullying

The effects of bullying extend far beyond the immediate anguish it causes. Victims can suffer from anxiety disorders, depression, low self-esteem and even suicidal thoughts [1]. In the sporting world, this can result in a number of adverse consequences for athletes, including:

  • Reduced performance: Bullying can affect concentration and self-confidence, leading to a drop in sporting performance.
    Loss of motivation: Bullied athletes can lose their enthusiasm and passion for their sport, which can lead them to give up or stop playing.
  • Impact on mental health: Bullying can cause stress, anxiety and even depression in athletes, which can have a significant impact on their mental and emotional well-being.
  • Social isolation: Bullied athletes can become socially isolated, as they may find it difficult to form positive relationships with their peers and to trust their team or coach.
  • Impaired personal development: Bullying can hinder athletes’ personal development by preventing them from reaching their full potential, leading to a drop in performance, loss of motivation and, in extreme cases, a total abandonment of sport.

A young athlete, constantly mocked by his teammates for his mistakes on the field, may begin to dread training sessions, losing his passion for the sport he loved.


Denounce Bullying

How do I report a bully?

Speaking out against bullying is the key to ending this destructive cycle. If you witness or are a victim of bullying, here are a few steps you can take:

  • Talk to someone you trust: Whether it’s a coach, parent or school counselor, it’s crucial to share your experience with someone who can take action [3].
  • Document: Keep track of bullying incidents, including digital communications, which can be used as evidence.
  • Use official channels: Most sports and school establishments have procedures in place for dealing with bullying. Don’t hesitate to use them.

Am I an Intimidator?

At present, there is no typical profile associated with bullies, due to the diversity of forms bullying can take [21]. It’s just as important to challenge yourself and recognize your own bullying behaviors. Here are some warning signs:

  • You find yourself regularly criticizing others in a demeaning way.
  • You use physical force or threats to get what you want from others.
  • You deliberately exclude certain people from group activities.
  • Do people seem tense, uncomfortable or even frightened when you’re around?
  • Do you tend to dominate conversations, impose your will on others or exert excessive control over them?
  • Have you ever hurt someone with your remarks or behavior? Do others feel uncomfortable or mistreated in your presence?
  • Do you receive negative feedback on your attitude or interactions? Do others avoid you or seem uncomfortable in your presence?

Recognizing these behaviors is the first step towards change.

Recognizing bullying gestures

Bullying can manifest itself in a variety of ways [4], including:

  • Verbal: Insults, mockery or threats.
  • Physical: hitting, shoving or any other form of physical violence.
  • Psychological: Social exclusion, spreading rumors or manipulation.

Example of Bullying in Sport

Let’s take the example of a passionate young footballer. His coach bullies him, criticizing and publicly humiliating him for every mistake he makes. This abusive behavior, far from motivating, isolates the player and destroys his confidence. The coach’s relentlessness is a perfect illustration of bullying in sport, a problem that needs to be identified and tackled.


A collective effort to put an end to bullying

In conclusion, bullying in sport is a reality that requires concerted attention and action. Recognizing the signs of bullying, understanding its consequences, and knowing how and when to report it are crucial steps in creating a safer, more inclusive sporting environment. It’s everyone’s responsibility – athletes, coaches and parents – to ensure that respect and dignity prevail on and off the field.

Sources : 

[1] INSPQ. (2019). L’intimidation : de quoi parle-t-on? Consulté à l’URL suivante : https://www.inspq.qc.ca/intimidation/de-quoi-parle-t-on#:~:text=Les%20cons%C3%A9quences%20potentielles&text=Les%20personnes%20qui%20vivent%20de,jusqu%27aux%20id%C3%A9ations%20suicidaires2

[2] Tel-jeunes. Quoi faire si je suis victime d’intimidation? Consulté à l’URL suivante : https://www.teljeunes.com/fr/jeunes/sante-mentale/intimidation/quoi-faire-si-je-suis-victime-d-intimidation

[3] Clinique de Psychologie Québec. (2018). L’intimidation en milieu scolaire : comment la reconnaître et y mettre un terme. Consulté à l’URL suivante : https://cliniquepsychologiequebec.com/intimidation-scolaire/

[4] Naitre et grandir. L’intimidation: comment la reconnaître et réagir ? Consulté à l’URL suivante : https://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/etape/5-8-ans/ecole/intimidation-ecole-reconnaitre-reagir/

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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