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Responsables des sports : l’état de la situation entre le sport scolaire et civil vu par Daniel Fleury

Sports managers: the state of play between school and civilian sport as seen by Daniel Fleury

In the Quebec sporting landscape, the dynamic between school and civilian sport is a […]

February 2024
Nouvelle Année, Nouveaux Défis: 10 Résolutions Inspirantes pour les Responsables des Sports en 2024

New Year, New Challenges: 10 Inspiring Resolutions for Sports Leaders in 2024

It's time to start the year 2024. The perfect time for high school sports leaders to […]

January 2024
Célébrer la Magie de Noël à l’École : Activités Festives pour Techniciens en Loisir

Celebrating the Magic of Christmas at School: Festive Activities for Leisure Technicians

As a recreation technician, the holiday season is a golden opportunity to create […]

December 2023
Sport à l’école, avantages sur le stress et l’anxiété

Sports managers: The ultimate back-to-school guide

The start of the school year can present its share of challenges for sports […]

September 2023
Financements publics : Quelles mesures pour les écoles ?

Public funding: what’s in it for schools?

Did you know that each school has several budget envelopes to meet the different […]

July 2023
Comment faire un post-mortem de votre saison sportive: Guide pour les écoles, entraîneurs et associations

How to make a post-mortem of your sports season: A guide for schools, coaches and associations

Once the season is over, it's essential to take the time to reflect and analyze the […]

July 2023
Sonder les intérêts pour optimiser le recrutement et la rétention des entraîneurs sportifs

Interest surveys to optimize recruitment and retention of athletic trainers

Every year, schools and sports associations face a major challenge: recruiting and […]

July 2023
Les 6 informations que l’équipe de MonClubSportif retient du 11e sommet du numérique en éducation 2023

The 6 things the MonClubSportif team has learned from the 11th Digital Education Summit 2023

On May 4 and 5, the 11th Digital Education Summit and the 10th International […]

June 2023
Maximiser l’utilisation de la mesure 15028 : Les nouveautés, les opportunités et les meilleures pratiques avec MonClubSportif

Maximizing the use of measure 15028: News, opportunities and best practices with MonClubSportif

Dear high school athletic directors and recreation technicians, get ready to explore […]

June 2023
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