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Comment faire un post-mortem de votre saison sportive: Guide pour les écoles, entraîneurs et associations

How to make a post-mortem of your sports season: A guide for schools, coaches and associations

Once the season is over, it's essential to take the time to reflect and analyze the […]

July 2023
Sonder les intérêts pour optimiser le recrutement et la rétention des entraîneurs sportifs

Interest surveys to optimize recruitment and retention of athletic trainers

Every year, schools and sports associations face a major challenge: recruiting and […]

July 2023
Avantages et inconvénients de l’utilisation de la technologie dans le sport

Advantages and disadvantages of using technology in sport

The use of technology in sport has become increasingly widespread in recent years. […]

May 2023
Bénévolat d’association sportive: Une partie indéniable de votre succès

6 tips for recruiting volunteers for your sports association

Recruiting volunteers for a sports association is essential to ensure smooth […]

March 2023
Associations sportives : 13 aspects primordiaux pour bien planifier votre assemblée générale annuelle

Sports associations: 13 essential aspects for planning your annual general meeting

Is your Annual General Meeting just around the corner? This event is the perfect […]

October 2022
Bilan de fin de saison – une prévision de la saison d’après

End-of-season review – a forecast for the season ahead

The end of the season is a good time to take a well-deserved rest, but it's also a […]

August 2022
Pénurie d’entraîneurs, un problème de rétention?

Coach shortage: a retention problem?

How can we encourage young people to apply for these jobs? What do they need to hold […]

August 2022
Association sportive : Comment rendre la pratique d’activités sportives plus accessibles?

Sports association: How can we make sporting activities more accessible?

Sport is a great way to build confidence and independence, develop coordination and […]

April 2022
Comment trouver des bénévoles pour votre association sportive ?

How can you find volunteers for your sports association?

With the new season upon us, it's already time to start planning your volunteer […]

February 2022