4 min reading

The importance of setting clear expectations for the season

Management Written by: Karl Demers October 2024

Clarify player expectations to maximize engagement

From the very first day of the season, it’s crucial for a coach to clearly define the players’ expectations. Young athletes need clear benchmarks to understand what is expected of them in terms of participation, attitude and sporting objectives. By explaining the rules of the game, performance criteria and expected behaviors, coaches help players to fully commit to their progression. This transparency encourages players to take responsibility, creating an atmosphere of respect and discipline within the team.

By establishing these guidelines from the outset, coaches let players know where to focus their efforts and how to contribute to team spirit. This boosts their motivation and prepares them to face the challenges of the season with a clear idea of common and individual objectives.

Involving parents to ensure a tension-free season

The involvement of parents is equally important to ensure a smooth and successful season. As a coach, it’s essential to communicate with them early on to clarify expectations about their role. Parents need to be informed about schedules, commitment policies, and how they can support their children without interfering in the training process.

A well-informed parent is a powerful ally. By better understanding how the team works, parents can provide appropriate support, both logistically and morally. This transparent communication helps to avoid the frustrations commonly associated with a lack of clarity, particularly concerning playing times, travel arrangements and expected behavior during matches.

Prevent conflict by setting clear expectations

When expectations are not established at the start of the season, this can quickly lead to misunderstandings between players, parents and coaches. Rules and objectives must be defined in such a way as to avoid confusion. By establishing an open dialogue and communicating proactively, coaches ensure a common understanding of what is acceptable and what is not.

Setting clear expectations also helps to manage delicate situations, such as team tensions or scheduling conflicts, more effectively. By laying the groundwork from the outset, the coach equips himself with the tools needed to resolve such problems quickly and with the support of all participants, whether players or parents.

Remind players of their goals to keep them motivated

Over the course of the season, it’s normal to notice that some players lose motivation or their attention. When this happens, don’t hesitate to go back to basics by reminding them of the goals and expectations set at the start of the season. Whether these are individual or collective objectives, this reminder can refocus their attention and rekindle their commitment to the team. By helping them to remember why they embarked on this adventure from Day 1, you enable them to recapture the energy and passion that motivated them in the first place. Highlighting initial expectations of effort, discipline and progress can be an excellent way of reinforcing their focus and rekindling their commitment.

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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