6 min reading

Sports association: How can you thank your volunteers?

Volunteering Written by: Karl Demers December 2021
Bénévolat d’association sportive: Une partie indéniable de votre succès

The end of the year is approaching! It’s the perfect time to thank your volunteers for their commitment to your organization! It’s a small gesture that can have a big impact on your association. Showing your volunteers how important they are to you is the best way to keep them. It’s also the best way to avoid having to recruit new volunteers.

The benefits of recognizing the work of your volunteers

Recognizing the work of your volunteers is essential to the success of your organization. Discover the benefits of recognizing their work:

  1. Increased motivation: Recognition boosts volunteer motivation, giving them a sense of appreciation and value.
  2. Loyalty: It helps retain volunteers, as they feel valued and connected to the organization.
  3. Improved productivity: A recognized volunteer is often more committed, which can lead to greater productivity and efficiency.
  4. Positive atmosphere: This creates a positive atmosphere within the organization, fostering collaboration and well-being.
  5. Attraction of new volunteers: A good recognition policy can attract new volunteers, drawn by an environment where their contribution is valued.
  6. Organizational reputation: Volunteer recognition enhances the organization’s image, demonstrating its commitment to those who offer their time and skills.

Example of a gesture to show your appreciation

Everyone works better when they feel appreciated and when their efforts are recognized. Moreover, recognizing the value of your volunteers can strengthen team cohesion within your association. This is even truer for volunteers, who are not remunerated for the energy and time they devote to your association, so the least you can do is send them a sporting thank-you message.

Here are a few ideas that can show your appreciation for your volunteers and are sure to touch them:

  1. Recognition certificates: Issue personalized certificates with an inspirational quote and a personal message from the director.
  2. Commemorative plaques: Offer engraved plaques at a small ceremony, encouraging volunteers to share their experiences.
  3. Personalized thank-you letters: Write handwritten letters accompanied by a souvenir photo or small gift.
  4. Organizational promotional items: Distribute useful, eco-friendly items with the organization’s logo to reinforce the organization’s positive image.
  5. Public announcements: Publicly recognize volunteers at events, in newsletters or local newspapers, and create volunteer-of-the-month profiles.
  6. Discounts or special benefits: Offer exclusive discounts and benefits at local partners, with privileged access to events.
  7. Photo mural: Create a large mural with photos of volunteers in action, accompanied by their stories, and include an interactive section where visitors can leave messages of gratitude.
  8. Thank-you video project: Create a video montage with messages from the team and beneficiaries, allowing volunteers to share their own videos.
  9. Wellness day: Offer a day of pampering, such as a spa or massage, combined with relaxation or personal development workshops.

Sometimes, a simple e-mail showing your appreciation can make a big difference to a volunteer. Here are a few examples of thank-you letters. They’re there to make your job easier, but personalize them for each volunteer. Sincere, personalized thanks are always appreciated.


Sample thank-you letter for a volunteer trainer :

Hello [ Insert volunteer’s name ] ,

We would like to thank you for your involvement in the [ Insert team name ] team. You play a vital role in the success of our organization and we are very grateful.

Thank you for taking the time to guide the players on their journey. They seem to really appreciate you, and it’s thanks to you that they’re having so much fun.

Once again, thank you for your contribution!


Example of a thank-you letter for a volunteer who was involved in an event organized by your association:

Hello [ Insert volunteer’s name ] ,

We’d like to take this time to thank you for your involvement in our association. If the [ Insert event name ] tournament was a success this year, it’s largely thanks to you.

The event could not have taken place without our volunteers. We’re proud to be able to count on you to provide young people with an unforgettable experience.

Once again, thank you for your involvement!

[Signature ]

Celebrating achievements

Whether through the organization of special events, a thank-you letter or a simple conversation, consider celebrating the collective and individual achievements of volunteers.

Honor them at dedicated meetings or parties, where you can present them with certificates of appreciation or symbolic trophies. Alternatively, congratulate your volunteers in a newsletter sent to your members. These moments of public recognition will reinforce their sense of belonging to the sports community and give them pride in being part of a collective project.

Impact on volunteer retention rates

Your volunteers are the pillars of your association. It’s important to take the time to thank them for the time they devote to your organization. Also remember to recognize the work of your coaches.

By recognizing their work, they’ll be more likely to want to repeat their experience with your association.

Don't miss our new guide to organizing sports tournaments!

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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