4 min reading

Both alone and as part of a team (group)

Training Written by: Karl Demers April 2014
la fois seul et en équipe (en groupe)

Team sport isn’t for everyone, but just because a sport is individual doesn’t mean you have to train alone! Nor should we think that club managers and coaches won’t have to carry out tasks related to sports team management. Whether you’re running a recreational or a competitive club, you still need to set schedules and keep track of everyone’s availability! Fortunately, there are a number of tools and software packages available to make this task easier. The MonClubSportif sports team management application is one such tool that can come in very handy when the time comes to plan the season.


Individual sports, such as running and triathlon, are becoming increasingly popular, and group training clubs are springing up everywhere. Athletes of all ages come together to find camaraderie, advice and motivation. These clubs bring together a variety of athletes, both competitive and recreational, and it can be a good idea to tailor workouts to the people who plan to attend. Level, intensity, duration and location may vary depending on who wants to attend. Some coaches conduct a survey at the start of the season (by e-mail or social networks, for example) to obtain the availability of each athlete, as well as an overview of the number of people attending each training session. However, there is a risk of error, especially if the survey in question is carried out by telephone or e-mail. We’ve all been known to mistype information or unintentionally delete an e-mail, haven’t we?

Gathering all the information in one place minimizes the risk of errors and avoids spreading yourself too thin. Want to organize an impromptu meeting or training session? It only takes a few seconds to schedule and notify club members of an addition to the calendar. They can then confirm their attendance with a click of the mouse, or even with their fingertips on their tablet or smartphone, wherever they happen to be.

The "social" part

Training in a group is obviously much more enjoyable than logging miles alone, and doing intense intervals is often much more fun when the suffering is shared! So why not continue chatting once the workout’s over? A sports team management app isn’t just for taking attendance; it’s also a great way of communicating with other club members, sharing photos and getting a good dose of motivation when the weather’s grey and getting out to train is more torture than fun (who likes running in the rain?). Connecting with like-minded people helps create a sense of belonging, and that’s one of the best things about sport, whether team or individual.

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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