4 min reading

Attendance management and MonClubSportif, the winning team!

Written by: Karl Demers June 2021
Gestion des présences et MonClubSportif, l’équipe gagnante!

It’s no secret that sports team coaches have a lot on their plate from the start of the season to the end (and beyond!😅).

First there’s the registration period, which requires a great deal of investment and energy, then team formation and, before you know it, preparation for the first practices.

Coaches spend a great deal of time preparing training plans adapted to the number of players present at a practice or game.

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for them to arrive well-prepared for a practice only to find several players missing.

This type of situation is very unfortunate for the coach, of course, but also for all the other team-mates, because if too many players are missing, the game plan has to be revised quickly.

With its “Attendance Management” function, MonClubSportif has created a solution to this problem, all too often encountered by members of a sports association.

That’s right, an application that lets you manage training attendance!(🤩)

How does it work?

MonClubSportif has set up this feature to make it as easy as possible to indicate your presence at a sporting event.

For coaches:

A coach can go into the team settings to designate a deadline for sending the attendance form.

He can choose whether to send it to all players, 24, 48 or even 72 hours before an event.

It’s up to him – he’s the BOSS!😎

He can also prevent players from changing their attendance within 24 hours of the event. Here too, it can be 24, 48, even 60 hours!

How much time do I save with this feature?

If we calculate all the time lost simply waiting for all players to confirm their attendance at an event without the app, we’d still be here tomorrow morning!

This feature allows coaches to plan their training sessions knowing exactly how many players will be present.

They can adapt their drills and avoid having to review the entire workout once on the field.

That’s worth a lot to a coach.

For players:

Players receive a notification before an event, allowing them to fill in the attendance form.

The first step is to log into your account and click on the “My Attendances” tab.

The availability options are fairly straightforward:

  • Grey question mark = You haven’t replied yet
  • Framed with green check mark = Present
  • Framed with small blue question mark = Uncertain
  • Framed with red “x” = Absent

It’s not that complicated, eh?😉

You don’t even have to call your trainer! (Unless the form’s response time has expired, in which case you’ll need to speak to your coach in person to confirm your attendance).

You can access event details directly from this tab and leave comments for your coach.

Two birds with one stone

Once you’ve determined your attendance status, you can complete the COVID-19 form without even changing tabs.

This questionnaire, sent by the trainer, ensures that all players present at an event have no symptoms of COVID-19, and can play their sport safely!

Once completed, the form is automatically sent to the trainer, who can keep a record of the results received and follow up with Public Health.

We calculated that it would take about 3 minutes to do all this! ⏲

For a trainer, he’s probably just saved an extra 1 hour in his week just by not having to call each player to ask them the questions recommended by Public Health.


MonClubSportif is all about saving time!

It’s no secret that the problems surrounding attendance management within a sports association are a huge burden on coaches’ shoulders, and we’re here to help.

The less time a coach spends on paperwork, the more time he or she has to help develop the players, the team and the association!👊

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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