4 min reading

MonClubSportif, the reference for facilitating communication in a sports club!

Communication Written by: Karl Demers September 2021
MonClubSportif, la référence pour faciliter la communication dans un  club sportif!

Another great addition to the MonClubSportif platform for sports associations is the ability to better categorize the members of a sports association.

You can easily create categories according to age group, gender or level of play.

This gives you a much clearer overview, which in turn facilitates communication within your sports club.

How do I do it?

An even more powerful communication tool!

With this tool, you can send different messages to different targets.

Want to send a message only to U9 soccer players on different teams? You can.

From the “Communication” module, you can choose to send a message to a segment of players, a team, a coach or even a reserve player. Want to send one to all association members? No problem!

Want to send one to all members of the sports association?

No problem!

This new platform is fully customizable. The better you classify the different team categories, the easier it will be for you to send your communications to the members of your sports club.


Easier to send documents!

Previously, you had to use the “Discussions and documents” tab to share PDF files with parents, for example.

This meant sending a message to parents asking them to go to the tab and read the information contained in the documents.

From now on, you won’t have to do this, as you’ll be able to attach files directly in your message!

You can check your messages in the application or in your personal e-mail inbox, as usual.

It's a win-win situation.

And yes, MonClubSportif is always evolving to offer you even simpler solutions. Avoid misunderstandings and wasting a lot of time sending duplicate e-mails.

Now you can reach all or just some members of your association, easily and quickly!

Request your free demo of MonClubSportif’s new platform for sports associations today!

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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