6 min reading

How to optimize the sport registration process

Written by: Karl Demers April 2022
Comment optimiser le processus d’inscription à un sport

The sports registration period is very demanding for managers. In a short space of time, we have to: collect all player information, receive payment and create the various teams. Then the season can officially begin!

There are several tools available to help you complete the various stages of the registration process. Some methods are better than others.

Frequently used methods for managing registrations :

Find out which methods are most commonly used, and see how you can optimize your registration process to lighten your workload.

inscription sportive avec google forms

Google Forms

Many establishments turn to Google Forms to manage sport registrations. It’s free and very intuitive. Anyone with an average knowledge of computers can create forms using this tool.

This tool allows you to create forms and easily collect player information. You can then import the data from these forms into a spreadsheet. At first glance, Google Forms seems like an excellent option for those who don’t think they can afford software.

However, this tool is no substitute for full-fledged sports registration software, since it doesn’t collect payment from players. You need to use another system and consolidate the two files to track registrations. The file containing registrant information can become confusing, since it contains different data. It can be difficult to keep track of when it comes to payment reminders, and the risk of errors is high. The more information you manage manually, the greater the risk of error.

les avantages et les inconvenients des inscriptions sportives avec google forms
formulaire d'inscription a un sport papier

Paper registration

Some sports organizations still operate with paper registrations in person. The advantage of this approach is that you can meet directly with interested players and parents, and they can easily ask questions before registering.

However, paper registration forms require people to print out the form or come in person to fill it out. This method isn’t as efficient as an online form, because you can’t control the format in which the user enters their information, legibility isn’t always obvious and in the end, you have to manually enter all the data into your software or document.

Les avantages et les inconvenients des inscriptions papiers
s'inscrire a un sport avec monclubsportif

How MonClubSportif can simplify your registration process

Sports organization management software allows you to regulate all stages of the process via a single platform.

Registration forms

Registration forms are 100% customizable. You can create different forms for each age category and choose the information you wish to obtain from players or parents. You can also program the length of the registration period and automate field validations to receive information in the right format. After the end date of the registration period, it will no longer be possible for members to register, or rates may change automatically depending on the date the registration is made.

Once your form is complete, simply share the link to the registration form on your social networks or by e-mail so that people can register.

Online payment

This feature saves you the hassle of chasing cheques at the start of the season, since payment must be made for the registration to be valid.

It’s also possible to add a discount if, for example, parents register two children, or one wants to issue a discount to a parent-volunteer coach when registering his or her child. It’s a simple and secure way to collect payments from all players. You can track registration and payment status in real time without having to update the information.

A reminder 1 week before the payment deadline is sent out, as well as automated reminders for payments not made by the due date. These are all manual tasks, which can fall into oblivion, that we automate.

Creating teams

Unlike standard registration forms, the MonClubSportif form allows players to register directly in the right category. By entering their date of birth, they are automatically assigned to the right age category with the right fee to pay.

Once the registration period is over, you can easily access your categories and allocate your players to the various teams.

Les avantages et les inconvenients d'utiliser monclubsportif pour les inscriptions

Tips to make the registration process easier

A sports manager shared with us an ingenious solution that facilitates the sports registration process. It uses QR codes paired with our registration module.

By displaying the QR codes around the school, parents or players can use their cell phones to scan the code and land directly on the registration form, optimized for mobile devices. As a result, he noticed an increase in the number of registrations, as the form was easily accessible.

Now that you’ve analyzed the different methods, what actions can you take to optimize your registration process?

MonClubSportif is here to make life easier for sports professionals. Contact us to discover all the possibilities our sports organization management software has to offer.

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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