5 min reading

Planning a sports association budget

Financing Written by: Karl Demers January 2025
Budget petit cochon

The financial management of a sports association can be complex, but rigorous planning and effective budget monitoring are essential to ensure the long-term viability of the organization. The Board of Directors (BOD) plays a key role in this process, guiding financial decisions and ensuring that resources are used optimally. Here’s how to plan your sports association’s budget and monitor it successfully, thanks to the involvement of the Board of Directors.

1. Understand the association's financial needs

Before starting to draw up a budget, it’s essential to understand your association’s financial needs. This means :

List recurring expenses:

Recurring expenses are those that recur every month or every year, and are essential to the running of the association. For example:

  • Salaries: If your association employs a coach or administrative manager, these salaries must be included in the budget.
  • Rental of sports facilities: If you rent fields or gymnasiums for training purposes, these charges should be calculated according to the frequency and duration of the rental.
  • Equipment: The purchase and maintenance of sports equipment (balls, shirts, cones, etc.) must be taken into account. It is important to define the quantity required for each type of equipment.
  • Travel : Transportation costs for competitions, including fuel, public transit tickets or car rentals, must be planned.
  • Insurance: It is essential to include the cost of insurance to cover the risks associated with sporting events, equipment and accidents.

Plan for exceptional expenses:

Exceptional expenses don’t happen every month, but they can occur during special events, renovations or new projects. For example:

  • Special projects: If you’re planning a training camp for members, this will involve expenses for accommodation, food, extra coaches, etc.
  • Events : Organizing tournaments, galas or other events can generate additional costs. For example, room rental, food and logistics costs can be high for this type of event.
  • Infrastructure investments: Infrastructure renovations or the purchase of expensive equipment (such as basketball hoops or sound systems for events) should also be factored into your budget.

Estimate potential income :

Revenues are the sources of financing that support your association’s budget. It’s essential to be realistic about your revenues:

  • Membership registration: Plan the amount of annual membership fees each member will have to pay, as well as the estimated number of members expected to join during the year. Don’t forget to take into account membership renewals as well as new registrations.
  • Public grants: Find out about the various grants you can apply for from municipalities, departments or the government. These grants are often based on specific projects, such as infrastructure development or event organization.
  • Private partnerships: Look for partnership opportunities with local businesses. In exchange for their financial support, you could, for example, display their logo on jerseys or at events.
  • Fundraising events: Organizing events such as tournaments or charity evenings can be a good way to generate additional funds. These events can include registration fees, ticket sales or donations.

Taking seasonality into account:

Sports associations often have to manage financial flows that vary from season to season. For example:

  • Competition season: Competition-related expenses, such as travel, registration and logistical costs, can increase considerably during competition seasons. On the other hand, revenues from these events can also be higher, especially if you organize tournaments or spectator events.
  • Off-peak season: Outside the sporting season, you may notice a drop in membership fees or events. This is a good time to organize fundraising events to maintain the association’s financial equilibrium.

2. Involve the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BOD) must be involved from the outset of the planning process to ensure that the budget is realistic and reflects the association’s priorities. Once the budget has been validated, the Board plays an essential role in monitoring and adjusting expenditure throughout the year.

Budget planning with the Board of Directors

The Board must be actively involved in planning to ensure that the budget reflects the association’s objectives. Here are the key steps to successful collaboration:

  • Scoping meeting: Hold an initial meeting with the Board of Directors to present the financial objectives for the coming year, define priorities (for example, organizing a major event or investing in new equipment), and discuss the resources required.
  • Validating priorities: The Board must validate the projects to be funded and ensure that they are in line with the association’s values and objectives (for example, giving priority to developing young talent or promoting inclusiveness).
  • Balancing resources: The Board of Directors must balance revenues and expenses, while ensuring that a financial reserve is maintained for unforeseen events. For example, plan an emergency fund in case of unforeseen event-related expenses.

Budget monitoring and adjustment throughout the year

Once the budget has been approved, the Board of Directors must monitor its progress on a regular basis to adjust expenditure if necessary.

  • Regular monitoring: The Board of Directors should receive monthly or quarterly financial reports detailing actual expenses compared with forecasts. This enables any significant variations to be identified quickly. For example, if tournament revenues are lower than expected, it will be important to review event expenses.
  • Adjusting expenses: If revenues fall short of forecasts, the Board must be prepared to take corrective measures, such as reducing certain expenses or seeking new sources of funding. For example, in the event of a drop in attendance at an event, the Board could reduce logistics costs or seek additional partners.

Efficient financial management to ensure the future

Budget planning and monitoring are essential to the financial stability of a sports association. Start by gaining a clear understanding of your financial needs, taking into account recurring and non-recurring expenses, estimated revenues and seasonality.

Involving the Board of Directors (BOD) right from the planning stage helps validate priorities, balance resources and anticipate unforeseen events. Transparency in financial management, notably by clearly communicating budget decisions and regularly sharing financial statements, strengthens the confidence of members and partners in the association.

Regular monitoring of finances, with adjustments where necessary, ensures that the association has the funds it needs for its projects. Proactive, transparent management ensures the association’s success and longevity.

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers
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