4 min reading

The Rule of Two: a crucial safety pillar in school sports

Harassment Written by: Karl Demers March 2024
La Règle de Deux : un pilier de sécurité cruciale dans le sport scolaire

The role of a high school athletic director goes beyond simply organizing sports activities. It includes implementing policies and practices that ensure a safe environment for student-athletes. The Rule of Two is an essential tool in this process, as it helps prevent situations of vulnerability and inappropriate behavior, particularly in interactions between coaches and students.

Understanding the Rule of Two

This rule, created by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, requires that two responsible adults be present during any interaction with student-athletes, particularly minors. It applies to all sporting activities, including training and competitions, as well as online communications. As a manager, ensuring its strict application is essential to prevent inappropriate behavior and enhance safety.

The vital role of the Rule of Two in school sports safety

The rigorous adoption of the Rule of Two in school sports programs is crucial, as it goes far beyond mere compliance with standards. Its role is both protective and preventive. By ensuring the constant presence of two responsible adults during interactions with students, it minimizes the risk of abuse, harassment and compromising situations, potentially devastating consequences for the well-being and psychological integrity of young athletes.

Moreover, failure to comply with this rule can lead to situations conducive to the abuse of power, seriously damaging the reputation of the school and the confidence of parents and students in the sports program. Consequently, the effective integration of this rule is a pillar for a sports environment founded on trust, respect and safety.

Digital issues and the critical adaptation of the Rule of Two

In today’s digital age, where social networks are ubiquitous, respect for the Rule of Two becomes crucial even in digital communications. Monitoring exchanges between coaches and students is essential to prevent online abuse. A breach of this rule in the digital context can lead to situations of abuse, harassment or bullying, often less visible but just as damaging. Indeed, a study conducted by a professor at California Polytechnic State University revealed that most offenders used their mobile devices to establish contact with victims. [1]

Using tools like MonClubSportif creates a transparent, monitored digital environment, where exchanges always take place in the presence of a responsible adult. This digital adaptation of the Rule of Two is fundamental to maintaining the safety and integrity of students in all aspects of their sporting lives.

Towards a safer sports environment

As a high school athletic director, adherence to the Rule of Two is fundamental not only to student safety, but also to your school’s reputation. Strict adherence to this rule builds parental and community confidence in your sports programs, demonstrating a commitment to an ethical, safe and responsible sports environment. Be a driving force for change towards safer school sports!

Sources and mediagraphy

[1] Molly M. Henschel & Billie-Jo Grant (2018): Exposing School Employee Sexual
Abuse and Misconduct: Shedding Light on a Sensitive Issue, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.

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Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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