Discover the MonClubSportif sports management application

A web and mobile platform to centralize all your team management tasks

Fonctionnalités - Communications et discussions

For sports managers and leisure technicians

Reduce your workload and professionalize your management


Effective communications

Send an individual or mass message in one click

FonInscription numérique

Digitized and automated registrations

Simplify the monitoring of your registrations and the start of your season


Consolidated calendar

View all of your teams’ activities grouped together in one place

Fonctionnalités - Modérateur

Moderator module

Enable the right to review interactions between coaches and minor athletes

Fonctionnalités - Communications et discussions - Application d'équipe

For coaches

Spend more time in the field than on paperwork

Fonctionnalités - Messagerie instantanée

Instant messaging

Separate your personal life from your team management

Fonctionnalités - Gestion des présence

Attendance management

Proactively prepare your practices and games

Fonctionnalités - Notification mobile

Mobile notifications

Keep parents and participants informed quickly

Fonctionnalités - Documents centralisés

Centralized media and documents

Share exercises and important documents

Fonctionnalités - Communications et discussions - Application organisation

For parents

Simplify managing family life and sports activities

Fonctionnalités - Notification mobile

Mobile notifications

Be notified of last minute changes

Fonctionnalités - Calendrier activités

Calendar of activities

Plan your children’s activities and don’t forget anything

Fonctionnalités - Messagerie instantanée

Secure communications

Centralize communications on a dedicated platform

Fonctionnalités - Gestion des présence

Confirmation of attendance

Get confirmations that your children are at an activity

Simplify and optimize the management of your teams!

With MonClubSportif, people just sign up, and the data collection process takes care of itself. I can export everything to an Excel spreadsheet, which is super easy and saves me a lot of time! What’s more, I’m sure I’ve got the right e-mail addresses, which avoids mistakes…

Brigitte Turcotte
Sports Manager, Pamphile-Le May Secondary School

With MonClubSportif’s presence system, it’s easier to organize coaches and association managers. It also makes it possible to anticipate human resources needs (lack of a coach, need for a replacement, etc.).

Pierre Behl
Base Soccer Manager, CS Trident

MonClubSportif was able to greatly help us with last-minute daily adjustments. In a school context, there are always things that change. With MonClubSportif, we are able to give real-time updates to our parents with the help of push notifications.

Jean-Philippe Gagnon
Head of the football program, Collège François-de-Laval

With MonClubSportif’s communication module, information is centralized in one place, and communication with parents is now much simpler.

Jade Charlebois
Competitive Sector Coordinator, Club Campiagile Sparks

It is a tool that is very valuable to us every year. Communication is the crux of the matter in our field. Before, we operated by email, like everyone else, but MonClubSportif brings something more personalized and instantaneous in terms of communication and planning…

Julien Dufort
Sports Manager, Durocher Saint Lambert College

This is what I was mainly looking for with MonClubSportif: rapid communication with parents. I would tell you that instead of taking 1 hour to send a massive email, it only takes me 5 minutes now. This is very precious time!.

Sindy Drolet
Recreation Technician (sports component), Donnacona Secondary School

MonClubSportif is an intuitive application that makes it easy to contact the platform’s users in compliance with rule 2.

Jérémie Tremblay
Operations Coordinator, Ultimate Québec
Team schedule
Media and documents
Calendar subscription
Anonymous reporting button
Instant messaging
Push notifications
Player Directory
Notification panel
Calendar for the entire organization
Importing and exporting data
Synchronization between platforms
Organization platform
Team Platform
Team Platform
Team Platform

Simplify and optimize the management of your teams!