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L’influence de l’entraîneur est majeure pour le développement d’un jeune sportif

The influence of a coach: a major role in the development of young athletes

A coach influences young athletes very quickly in their beginnings as young […]

July 2021
5 problèmes occasionnés par le départ de votre technicien en loisirs

Your children’s progress : the importance of the coach

It’s no secret that sports recruitment starts very early. As soon as a parent sees […]

January 2021
Le développement à long terme de l’athlète

Long-term athlete development

The best way to ensure optimal development of an athlete's skills is to refer to the […]

January 2018
Un pré-requis aux sports collectifs: L’entraînement de Puissance

A prerequisite for team sports: Power training

All these sporting feats have one thing in common: they're all initiated by the […]

September 2016
Importance de bien définir les rôles dans une équipe

The importance of clearly defining team roles

The victories of a sports team are of course based on the game's strategies and the […]

July 2014
Les qualités clés d’un bon entraîneur sportif : Comment reconnaître l’entraîneur idéal

The top qualities of a good sports coach

As manager of a sports team, you will absolutely need to find an excellent coach for […]

June 2014
Nouveau sport, nouvelle équipe, nouveaux défis

New sport, new team, new challenges

Are you a coach who would like to integrate a new sport or sports team into the […]

May 2014
Les meilleurs trucs pour gérer une équipe sportive

The best tips for managing a sports team

Sometimes it's a good idea to ask our colleagues for their best tips on how they do […]

May 2014