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L’importance de la cohésion d’équipe au sein de votre association sportive

The importance of team building within your sports association

There's nothing duller than going to work and having nothing to talk about with your […]

November 2021
Les effets du sport sur la santé mentale  des sportifs

Here’s why MonClubSportif is the perfect alternative to Sporteo

Regular physical activity can have an impact on physical and psychological […]

October 2021
Responsable des sports : Comment négocier des budgets avec la direction de l’école selon Daniel Fleury

Facilitating sports registrations with MonClubSportif

MonClubSportif has decided to optimize its registration process to facilitate the […]

September 2021
MonClubSportif, la référence pour faciliter la communication dans un  club sportif!

MonClubSportif, the reference for facilitating communication in a sports club!

Another great addition to the MonClubSportif platform for sports associations is the […]

September 2021
L’influence de l’entraîneur est majeure pour le développement d’un jeune sportif

The influence of a coach: a major role in the development of young athletes

A coach influences young athletes very quickly in their beginnings as young […]

July 2021
MonClubSportif, l’outil pour faciliter la gestion d’une association sportive.

MonClubSportif, the tool to help you manage your sports club

As we all know, running a sports association can sometimes be complicated. It takes […]

July 2021
Gestion des présences et MonClubSportif, l’équipe gagnante!

Attendance management and MonClubSportif, the winning team!

With its "Attendance Management" function, MonClubSportif has created a solution to […]

June 2021
Le guide pour les nouvelles « Hockey mom » !

The definitive new Hockey moms survival kit !

You’ve just enrolled your kids in hockey and you see all these dedicated moms, […]

May 2021
Comment créer un bon formulaire d’inscription

How to create a good registration form

Whatever the sport, the start of the season is a stressful time for everyone. […]

April 2021
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