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L’importance de reconnaître le travail des entraîneurs sportifs

The importance of recognizing the work of sports trainers

Sports coaches deserve recognition for their work. Thanks to their contribution to […]

October 2022
Comment aborder les activités sportives avec votre enfant ?

How do you approach sports activities with your child?

At this age, the aim is to introduce your child to sporting activities and give […]

September 2022
Bilan de fin de saison – une prévision de la saison d’après

End-of-season review – a forecast for the season ahead

The end of the season is a good time to take a well-deserved rest, but it's also a […]

August 2022
Pénurie d’entraîneurs, un problème de rétention?

Coach shortage: a retention problem?

How can we encourage young people to apply for these jobs? What do they need to hold […]

August 2022
Comment annoncer la coupure d’un joueur d’un camp de sélection ?

How do you announce the withdrawal of a player from a selection camp?

Every year, the selection camp period is a stressful time for players, parents and […]

August 2022
4 points importants pour une bonne relation entraîneur-joueurs

4 key points for a good coach-player relationship

The coach-player relationship is the key to team success and athlete growth. Here […]

August 2022
L’importance de bien connaitre ses joueurs

The importance of knowing your players

Whatever the sport, the relationship between coach and players is crucial to the […]

April 2022
Association sportive : Comment rendre la pratique d’activités sportives plus accessibles?

Sports association: How can we make sporting activities more accessible?

Sport is a great way to build confidence and independence, develop coordination and […]

April 2022
Comment optimiser le processus d’inscription à un sport

How to optimize the sport registration process

The sports registration period is very demanding for managers. In a short space of […]

April 2022
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