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À la fois seul et en équipe (en groupe)

Both alone and as part of a team (group)

Team sports aren't for everyone, but just because a sport is individual doesn't mean […]

April 2014
Les différents outils de gestion pour les équipes sportives

Management tools for sports teams

No one can escape technology. More and more people have learned to manage their […]

April 2014
Devoir de parents: encourager une pratique sportive positive

Parents duty to encourage positive sports participation

Here are a few tips to make the experience unforgettable for parents and children […]

March 2014
Jouer en équipe : sur le terrain et dans la vie

Team play: on the field and in life

Increased self-esteem, a sense of competence, better communication and the ability […]

March 2014
Vous montrez-vous fair-play envers votre équipe?

Do you play fair with your team?

We're all familiar with the principles of fair play and sportsmanship. From an early […]

March 2014
Aliments (Fruits) pour l’exercice

The importance of eating well before training

In a car, you don't get very far on an empty tank... and the same goes for the human […]

March 2014
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