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Comment réussir son lancer franc au basketball

How to make a successful free throw in basketball

Being a good basketball scorer is more than important when you want to stand out […]

October 2018
20 sports insolites qui manquent à ta vie – Partie 1

20 Unusual Sports That You Must Know – Part 2

As we saw in the first part of “20 Unusual Sports That You Must Know“, humans […]

October 2018
10 «playlists» de musique de sport Spotify pour vous motiver à l’entraînement

10 Sport Music Playlists that Increase Your Motivation

As we know, training requires a good dose of motivation. That is why we decided to […]

October 2018
20 sports insolites qui manquent à ta vie – Partie 1

20 Unusual Sports That You Must Know – Part 1

The human is full of imagination. It is a fact. Just look at the amount of […]

October 2018
L’alcool et le sport, une bonne équipe: Mythe ou réalité?

Myth or Reality: Beer and sports, a good team

For a long time, there has been a debate between those who think that drinking after […]

October 2018
Comment la musique peut améliorer vos performances sportives?

How Music Can Improve Sports Performance?

With all the new technologies, everyone has access to music almost continuously. […]

October 2018
Le développement à long terme de l’athlète

Long-term athlete development

The best way to ensure optimal development of an athlete's skills is to refer to the […]

January 2018
Histoire de la ringuette

Ringette’s History

But today, let’s talk about a sport that was exclusive to women: ringette. Where […]

January 2017
Un pré-requis aux sports collectifs: L’entraînement de Puissance

A prerequisite for team sports: Power training

All these sporting feats have one thing in common: they're all initiated by the […]

September 2016