4 min reading

How to create a good registration form

Management Written by: Karl Demers April 2021
Comment créer un bon formulaire d’inscription

Whatever the sport, the start of the season is a stressful time for everyone. Collecting player information should be the easy part, but all too often it’s not.

An online sports registration form is the easiest way to collect player information. It makes the registration process faster and more structured. You avoid spending hours on manual data entry. What’s more, the form link is easy to share on your social media and website.

However, to really save time, some thought needs to go into creating a good registration form.

The benefits of building a good registration form

A good registration form should make the sender’s job easier by providing all the information he or she needs, and it should be easy for recipients to understand and complete.

Fewer questions from parents

Taking the time to create a registration form customized to the category helps avoid receiving a ton of e-mails and phone calls from parents when registering their children.

Centralized information

Keep all relevant information on all players in your association in one place. You’ll also avoid having to return a questionnaire at the start of the season and risk losing the information.

Increase the number of registrations

A good registration form can reduce the number of people who don’t finish filling in the form.

What information to include in the form

Ask only for the information needed to complete the registration, so that it doesn’t take parents too long to fill in the form. Take the time to focus on the information you really need, and eliminate superfluous fields that may discourage parents.

Here’s what’s usually included on a sports registration form:

  • Your association’s logo
  • A short introduction
  • Player’s first and last name
  • Player’s date of birth
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Parent or guardian information
    • (last name, first name, e-mail address, telephone number)
  • Medical information (e.g. allergies)

To make the process even simpler, you can include online payment directly on the form. You can add family discounts, equipment loan fees (game shirts, shorts, etc.) and participation fees (dues).

What makes a good registration form?

A short form

Make the form as short as possible, avoiding unnecessary questions. Nobody likes wasting time filling in a form. That’s why it’s important to make it as easy as possible to fill in. If you have too many fields to ask for, it’s best to use a multi-step form to make it less intimidating for the person signing up.

A streamlined form

Unless it’s absolutely necessary, it’s best to use a single-column form. This makes the form easier to read, and thus wisely facilitates the task for your potential customers.

A clear form

Questions should be clearly formulated. If it’s confusing, add a short description to avoid receiving a ton of questions from parents who can’t complete the registration.

A quick form to complete

To save time for parents who need to complete their child’s registration, auto-fill fields or answer choices make the task much easier.

A progressive form

Build your form progressively and logically. Start the form with questions such as player information, then questions about parents or guardians, and finish with less curious questions such as jersey size or payment method.

A mobile-optimized form

These days, people are increasingly on their mobiles. Nearly half the world’s web traffic comes from mobile devices. Your form needs to be mobile-friendly so that parents can fill it in easily, no matter where they are.


MonClubSportif makes it easy to sign up for a sport

The MonClubSportif sports organization management application lets you easily manage your registrations with a form that’s 100% customizable to your categories. It’s simple, fast and intuitive to build! What’s more, players are automatically registered in the right category by entering their date of birth, making it easier for you to create teams. Last but not least, MonClubSportif lets you manage payment directly on the registration form.

Now it’s your turn! All you have to do is create your registration form.

Contact us for more information on our registration module.

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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