5 min reading

The rise in popularity of women’s sport: A worldwide phenomenon

Sports world Written by: Karl Demers April 2024
La montée en popularité du sport féminin : Un phénomène mondial

The world of sport is undergoing a major transformation, and a clear trend is emerging: interest in women’s sport is growing spectacularly worldwide. This is reflected in both audience numbers and financial support, reflecting a significant change in the way female athletes are perceived and valued.

Audience and attendance records

In the United States, the women’s sports craze is palpable through college basketball. The women’s March Madness tournament has seen its ratings explode, with an impressive 96% increase for the round of 16 in 2024 over the previous year, according to ESPN [1].This leap demonstrates increased interest and renewed support for women’s basketball at a high competitive level.

Similarly, in Montreal, a record attendance was set for a women’s field hockey match. Nearly 21,105 spectators gathered at the Bell Centre in Montreal to watch a game between Montreal and Toronto on April 20, 2024 [2]. This record figure for a women’s field hockey match underlines the growing passion of fans for the sport in Canada.

What’s more, the Women’s Soccer World Cup is an excellent barometer of this growing popularity. The 2019 edition captured the attention of over a billion viewers, a figure that underlines not only the scale of the event, but also the global interest in women’s soccer [3]. This massive audience reflects growing fan engagement and increased recognition of the skills and talent of the sportswomen.

Increased investment

The growing popularity of women’s sports is also attracting significant investment. ESPN has invested heavily, with an eight-year, $920 million deal to acquire exclusive broadcast rights to nearly 40 sports championships (21 women’s and 19 men’s), including the famous women’s March Madness tournament [4]. This investment underlines the growing commercial value of women’s sport, with companies willing to pay significant sums for broadcasting rights.

The impact of female role models

The rise of women’s sport is also having a profound impact on younger generations, particularly young girls, who see these athletes as models of strength, perseverance and success. The increased visibility of sportswomen at major events is helping to change perceptions and break down gender stereotypes in sport. These female role models play a crucial role in inspiring girls to pursue their own sporting ambitions and believe in the legitimacy of their aspirations. The presence of female sports figures in the media and at international events reinforces the message that sport is universal and accessible to all, promoting more balanced and inclusive participation.

Towards a fairer sporting future

Despite significant advances in the recognition and popularity of women’s sport, much remains to be done to achieve true equality in the sporting world. Disparities in funding, media coverage and opportunities for female athletes are persistent obstacles that require ongoing attention and action. However, the current momentum offers a solid foundation on which to build.

Each of us can contribute to this movement: as fans, by supporting women’s games and competitions; as media, by providing more balanced and in-depth coverage; and as sponsors and investors, by recognizing the economic and social value of women’s sport. Together, we can not only celebrate current successes, but also work to remove remaining barriers, so that women’s sport can shine with the same intensity as its male counterpart.

Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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