4 min reading

Sponsorships: an indispensable financing solution for your sports club

Financing Written by: Karl Demers December 2014
Les commandites, une solution de financement indispensable pour votre club sportif

Every sports team needs to raise funds to cover the costs of coaching salaries, competition participation and equipment rental. Of course, it’s always possible to raise money through fundraising activities, but it’s also possible to raise money and equipment through sports sponsorships.

All you need to do is find partners willing to support you in exchange for a certain amount of visibility. So don’t hesitate to do a little research to find businesses in your area that might be interested in supporting your sports team, and take the necessary steps to find sponsors.

Here are some sponsorship opportunities that could be of great help to your sports club. Once you’ve compiled your list with these ideas, all you have to do is present yourself with a complete dossier and meet the business managers who might be able to help you.

A little home-grown advice: don’t hesitate to sound out your players’ parents. It’s often the case that some of them are company managers or can influence through their position. Start your search there, then go out and make formal requests for sports sponsorships from other companies.

Cash sponsorships

Of course, it’s also possible to seek out cash sponsorships that could directly contribute to paying various bills or defraying travel costs to competitions throughout the season.

We advise you to solicit local businesses and companies that could not contribute to your team’s success without monetary donations. We’re thinking in particular of the caisses populaires, which are renowned for their commitment to their communities.

Sponsorship of material goods

Most sports teams need specialized equipment. Whether it’s balls, cones, field hockey pucks or jerseys for the players, all these items could be provided to you free of charge, or loaned to you by partners eager to ease the financial burden of purchasing equipment.

Why not ask your favorite sporting goods store? We can guarantee that your players will be delighted not to have to pay an exorbitant amount for their equipment! While not all stores are willing to donate items, some may be willing to offer substantial discounts on the purchase of equipment, which is sure to please your players or their parents.

Food and beverage sponsorships

Be sure to canvass your local merchants for sports food and beverages. Your players will need to recover and hydrate properly after each training session or during competitions.

Your supermarket may be able to supply you with bars, fresh fruit, dairy products and sports drinks. Don’t hesitate to ask!

Thank your sponsors

Once you’ve contacted your potential partners, you’ll need to reach an agreement regarding the visibility offered. Would they like their name or logo to appear on your players’ jerseys? Would they like to provide a banner or poster for you to hang prominently at your sporting events?

All these details are extremely important, as they are your way of thanking your sponsors. Without them, financing your sports team could be a much harder task than it is right now. These companies are a valuable asset and deserve your full recognition.

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Karl Demers

Karl Demers is the founder of MonClubSportif. From an early age, Karl has been passionate about sports, whether it's soccer, baseball, field hockey, volleyball... and the list goes on. To combine business with pleasure, Karl has been passing on his passion for 8 years now through the blogs he writes and the information he shares to simplify the lives of sports enthusiasts like himself.
Karl Demers

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