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Quoi faire pendant la saison morte de votre sport?

What to do in your sport’s off-season?

Most team sports have their own specific season. Indeed, field hockey is played in […]

November 2014
Nouvelle fonctionnalité sur l’application MonClubSportif : Accès partagé d’un membre

New feature on the MonClubSportif application: Shared member access

The MonClubSportif team is proud to announce the new shared access feature. Players […]

August 2014
Apprendre à gérer son stress avant une compétition sportive

Learning to manage stress before a sporting event

At one time or another, every sportsman or sportswoman experiences a certain amount […]

August 2014
Comment encourager sainement son enfant lors des parties sportives?

How can I encourage my child to play sports in a healthy way?

Competitions are a great way to strengthen family ties and have a good time, […]

August 2014
omment donner des responsabilités aux jeunes joueurs

Giving responsibility to young players

Here are a few tips to help you encourage your players to take responsibility.

July 2014
SOS, Quelles activités sportives pour des enfants inactifs?

SOS, Which sports activities for inactive children?

There's less and less time allocated to physical education classes, and as parents, […]

July 2014
Comment le sport d’équipe et le travail se ressemblent-ils?

How are team sports and work similar?

Like corporate work, team sport is governed by rules, with each person playing a […]

July 2014
Importance de bien définir les rôles dans une équipe

The importance of clearly defining team roles

The victories of a sports team are of course based on the game's strategies and the […]

July 2014
Les qualités clés d’un bon entraîneur sportif : Comment reconnaître l’entraîneur idéal

The top qualities of a good sports coach

As manager of a sports team, you will absolutely need to find an excellent coach for […]

June 2014